Service and digital designer
The project brief from Amager Hospital was to create a service solution that improves the existing wayfinding system at Amager Hospital.
With the wayfinding consultancy Triagonal, as a cooperating partner, we created the concept called Waylight: a coloured bracelet, which lights up when you are on the right way at the hospital. When designing a wayfinding service, it is crucial to take into account the surroundings, users and the sustainability of the design.
Through RFID-technology, the bracelet communicates with tags on the wall incorporated into coloured signs with the same colour as the bracelet.
Attribute listing: Possible concepts were explored by randomly combining various attributes (e.g. bracelet, necklace), functions (e.g. light, sound) and positioning (e.g. wall, floor).
Usability testing: The prototype was tested on 3 persons by simulating different usage scenarios, such as reduced vision capabilities.
Concept development: Several iterations were made with different materials to develop a prototype that simulated our ideas and insights from the users.
Fieldwork: Staff and patients at dfferent departments were observed and interviewed.
Value proposition: The purpose of the observations and interviews was to identify what kind of values should be integrated in the bracelet.
User personas: User personas were created based on the observations and interviews to better communicate some of the issues and opportunities within the team and with the involved stakeholders.
User journey: To understand some of the issues and opportunity within the current wayfinding solution a user journey was mapped out.