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During 2015, Bycyklen experienced immense pressure and the debate turned into a political media ‘shit storm’.  However, we believed, from a service design perspective, that a redesign of the service could make Bycyklen able to continue as a viable service. 


To understand the backstage processes of the concept we found it necessary to start out by exploring the service from a front stage point of view and use these findings as an approach for studying the backstage processes. The front stage research included user tests followed up by semi-structured interviews which aim was to understand the test persons’ experience of the service before and after the ride. To unfold some of the issues and opportunities uncovered from the front stage research, we decided to get in contact with the two main stakeholders in the concept; Gobike and By- og Pendlercykelfonden.


The research resulted in three concepts: 

  • Merge the logic of use with the nationwide electronic ticket system.

  • Convert the bikes to a service that helps explore cultural events taking place in Copenhagen by implementing AOK as a stakeholder.

  • Offer citizens in CPH the opportunity to buy a share in Bycyklen - represented by a bike - as an investment.





  • Swimlane diagram: To visualise how Bycyklen can be integrated with the current flow within the system of Rejsekortet and how it looks like, with the suggested concept two swimlane diagrams were made.


  • Interviews: To gain a deeper understanding of the purpose with Bycyklen the stakeholders. Furthermore, test persons were interviewed before and after a ride to understand their experience of the service. 


  • User testing: Test persons were invited to test Bycyklen. 


  • Business Model Canvas:  BMC helped us grasp the scaling of the project regarding the different roles of stakeholders. 


  • Comfort zone: Based on insights we chose to visualise the comfort zone of users to gain an understanding when users feel they are out of their comfort zone when using Bycyklen.

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